I’ve had Hanson’s “MmmBop” stuck in my head for like ten days and if anyone knows how I can get it out of there, PLEASE DO SOMETHING! HELP ME, DIBBY BOP DOP MMM BOP OP HEELLP! In the meantime, here is your mid-week Pop Culture Fix.
+ Zoë Kravitz says her Catwoman is bisexual, which makes sense due to Catwoman being gay as hell. Also, it is very important to me that you see the cat dress she wore to The Batman premiere. Look at these cat boobs!

Photo by Cindy Ord/WireImage
+ This is the wildest headline I have read in a good minute. It’s like an SEO Mad Lib. Evan Rachel Wood Plays Madonna in Daniel Radcliffe’s Weird Al Roku Movie.
+ Ariana DeBose will star as Calypso in the Sony/Marvel movie, Kraven The Hunter.
+ Starz has renewed Hightown for a third season.
+ Why Ashley Banks is one of Bel-Air’s most important character updates. (Carmen wrote more about this in last week’s Boobs on Your Tube!)
+ Year Of The Vampire: Daughters Of Darkness And The Seduction Of Sadistic Sapphism
+ Javon Walton shares last-minute changes to Euphoria’s season two finale.
+ Elliot Page, Jamie Lee Curtis, Gabrielle Union slam Gov. Greg Abbott’s horrific new policy, which criminalizes caregiving for trans youth. (Here’s more on Texas’ attack on trans kids.)
+ Jessica Jones is moving to Disney+!
+ Black Girl Nerds has an exclusive featurette from The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder. And you can read Nic’s review right here on Autostraddle dot com.
Back in my really good ally definitely not gay days, I was chaperoning a queer teen prom and I had an obnoxious song in my head, and one of the gay elders recommended listening to Firedoor by Ani DiFranco because it’s got such a weird rhythm that it can’t get stuck in your head, and it’ll drive anything out. Works like a charm, and possibly made me gay.
Well that’s the best recommendation for any song I’ve ever heard of!
Oh god it’s spreading!
Heather, try listening to “Tom’s Diner”.
I was just going to suggest Heather listen to this song.
This always gets rid of unpleasant earworms for me. It’s a great song palate cleanser.
Didn’t Anne Hathaway’s Catwoman have blink and miss it bisexual vibes in The Dark Knight Rises, too? Literally nothing changed in a decade lol. Bisexuality is a little spice for otherwise heteronormative superhero movies.
my last name is hansen and I looked a lot like the littlest hanson and every day my bus driver would yell are you in that band hanson ??? and I’d be like calvin please stop you’re ruining my life
thanks for letting me share my truth
Heather this will cure you of Hanson altogether. All three brothers are Republicans. The youngest brother Zac’s Pinterest was discovered and it was full of anti trans, anti gay, anti BLM, pro gun memes.
Unfortunately it’s true.
Heather as you command, so shall it be. I absolutely looked at the cat boobs.
I can’t help you for the earworm. I myself have “For the benefit of Mr Kite” stuck in my head for the past two weeks. Luckily I don’t know the song that’s stuck in yours, otherwise something tells me it wouldn’t be a good swap.