The only picture of Jennifer Lawrence’s new Alternative Lifestyle Haircut that matters today:
Because no one can resist a cute blonde with an ALH and Google Glass. FACT.
The only picture of Jennifer Lawrence’s new Alternative Lifestyle Haircut that matters today:
Because no one can resist a cute blonde with an ALH and Google Glass. FACT.
jesustakethewheel I wasn’t ready. This woman. I just. <3
be still, my heart.
i’m glad we agree on the definition of “breaking news,” also.
we get u
i suppose i’ll stick around.
Oh haiii
All I have to do now is convince my girlfriend that polyamory is for us. And then convince Jennifer to be with us.
Ditto that, sistah.
your celebrity love crushes amuse me
This picture gives me hope; the one Jezebel published does not make this cut look flattering.
Mystique! That’s some xmen (xpeople) first class right there.
I’ve fallen even more in love.
This is important.
Humina Humina Humina! Sorry, I lost my cool real fast. But DAMN!
I saw another site post about this and they were all upset that she cut her hair! And I just couldn’t understand why…she looks so hot with short hair.
that other site doesn’t understand you like we do.
And here I thought I could control my feelings for her. Welp, I’m done.
hello you all realize i was ALREADY in love with her, right? like, now i am just completely and utterly done for but i kind of ALREADY WAS, ya know?
I stopped what I was doing (eating a cronut) to look at this. So worth it.
Me too, but mine was a mouthful of taco (giggity)
Hot damn. Um. Curls into fetal position and chews on hair*
JLaw, y u so shexy?
Oh my god it’s happened. I had imagined it but my dreams were not as good as the reality.
This news is worthy of my first ever Autostraddle comment. (Hi, everyone!)
JLaw does not have a bad look. It is against the laws of physics and the Gods. But…I prefer the long hair! Like, a lot. I also like it better when it’s dark.
I’ll just go sit over here by myself now.
You’re not alone. I share both your preferences. I think this haircut is…matronly, almost. Which Is not a word I associate with that astonishing woman….
I want daily JLaw updates.
Ditto! Get on that AS
Every time I think she could not possibly get any more perfect, she defies the laws of the universe and gets more perfect.
She makes new laws of the universe. Jlaws, specifically.
truer words have never been written.
Dayum that pun was so good my avatar had to turn to read it twice
That pun was so good I had to log in on my work computer just so I could like it. And then that like wasn’t enough to express how much I liked it, so now I am bodyrolling at my desk in appreciation.
Thank You.
Lesbian Jesus still doing amazing works. Yesss
I just thoroughly freaked out, I think my roommate thought someone died with the way I repeated OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD
She is amazing.
I did not think it was possible for me to love her any more. And then this happened.
I MIGHT have just made that photo my phone background…
I do believe that this is the most that I’ve commented on a single post. but: articles like this are what makes autostraddle so fucking lovable.
but also, that motherfucking blazer she’s wearing?? c’mon.
The only thing that could possibly be better than this is if Ellen Page were also sporting an ALH and they were together… with me.
And now I feel like I have to rewind to Deanne Smith at A-camp saying that this is all completely feminist-friendly lust, because I feel like I’m objectifying them both by being all lusty, but I just can’t help it!
I love the idea of Jlaw and her short hair and blazers. But I also love Ellen Page with her long hair and scarves. I think there is something about EPage that makes her more queer looking with longer hair and more feminine presentation.
I didn’t know who she was until I Googled her just now… Never saw Hunger Games, but I remember laughing my ass off at the review of it on In Your Box Office.
I feel like I need a post-sex-cigarette right now. Was not ready for that image.
OMGAHDA THIS IS AMAZING. Also, this being listed as Breaking News just solidifies my surious love affair with Autostraddle.
I was totally rolling my eyes and mocking the media for making such a big deal out of Jennifer Aniston’s recent haircut. I take it all back, because this one? Touche, media. Touche. VERY BIG DEAL.
I wish I read about it on Autostraddle first. Love this. ALH for all of my celeb crushes!
I must be the only one who guessed that by “alternate lifestyle” you meant “soccer mom”. Like everyone in the known universe, I love Jennifer Lawrence to death, but I don’t find this cut flattering or interesting at all. Which is probably good, cause I don’t think I could have handled loving her any more…