You know what you need — nay, deserve — this Friday afternoon? Some undiluted, incandescent joy. That’s why you should go ahead and queue up Netflix’s One Day at a Time, a brand new reboot of the classic Norman Lear mother-daughter comedy that eschews the sitcom world’s overwhelmingly white history and focuses on a Latinx family. Specifically a Latinx family with a mother played by Justina Machado and a grandmother played by the legendary Rita Moreno and a TEENAGE LESBIAN DAUGHTER. A teenage lesbian daughter who gets her own coming out episode called “Pride and Prejudice,” during which her mom reveals that she is an avid reader of Autostraddle dot com!
You guys! Justina Machado said our name out loud on teevee! There are some very good jokes in-jokes about queer women in this scene! Plus, honestly, “Pride and Prejudice” is one of the most refreshing coming out episodes of television I have ever seen in my life. Also, Penelope (that’s Justina Machado’s character) has a friend who is a lesbian and they go to a gay bar where there are other lesbians. I don’t want to spoil anything for you; I just want to let you know that this exists and it will make you feel really good in your heart parts to watch it. Yvonne’s going to come at you with a full review on Monday.
And, look, your girl Gina Rodriguez thinks you should watch too!
I believe you are going to love One Day at a Time‘s writing staff.
Yes, diverse! 1/2 LatinX & Female. Cuban, Puerto Rican, Mexican, Salvadorian, Jewish, Catholic, Atheist, Queer.
— Gloria Calderón Kellett aka Glorita to my family (@everythingloria) January 6, 2017
I believe you are going to cry happy tears when you watch this show.
Today Netflix, tomorrow the world !
The Illesbianati is real.
Kristana, please never stop using the word Illesbianati as long as you breathe oxygen.
Specifically just breathing oxygen? Personally, I vote if she starts breathing hydrogen or anything else that she keep using the word too.
I am beside myself!!! Thank you ladies for spreading the love!! We are so proud to represent in this storyline. Thank YOU for all you do!!!
Okay I just finished the season and this show is the REALLEST.
I cried ugly for a while from the moment Elena opens the bag and sees the pant suit. And then I just couldn’t stop crying.
Proud of yooouuu!
Yay!!!! This is awesome
This sounds great! Thanks for the rec!
YAY!!! I’m on episode 5 and it’s amazing, I’m looking forward to this episode. Congrats on the shoutout!
This is so awesome!
guess I’m cancelling all my plans for this weekend!
Take that, IFC!!! Riese should send a VHS tape of this clip in a box packed with middle finger emojis and Dana Fairbanks’ face to her directly.
Maybe we can burn that clip into a DVD, cause she may not be able to play a VHS tape…
for the record, i have a vhs player
just for the record
I bet she does too!!!!
Autostradddle, I’m SO PROUD OF YOU
Congrats, this is big and great news!
SO COOL! Gonna check this out tonight!
This is amazing!!
OH WOW! :D I immediately began just repeatedly saying WHAT!!!? and queuing up the show cause my Friday plans are now this and only this! I am so excited!
Okay almost done with the show, one and a half episodes left, this is soooooooooo amazing! Elena is the most amazing queer teenage character! I love her and I love her whole family and this show! It’s really funny, and there are a lot of feminist issues brought up! So great!
this also reminded me of the time my bestie flatmate browsed AS bc she’d always seen me reading your articles and wanted to check it out as well but then was slightly confused by the LGBT content bc she didn’t realize it was a ~lesbian lifestyle and pop-culture website haha
Literally me, I read the article about Willow Rosenberg by chance and then I found more Buffy things and I was like “hey, cool website, I can like it on facebook”. Some time later: hmm… they write a lot about lesbians…
I am literally watching this currently only because of this article and already love it ❤ misogyny mentioned in the first 5 minutes! And latinx! I’m moving to Spain in a couple of weeks and I know its not the same but every little bit of Spanish I hear unexpectedly gets me so excited for moving!
This is just beyond exciting.
I searched for “monocles” in the archives and came up short.
How is this article not a thing yet, Autostraddle. Defictionalise it already.
I’m not sure what article it is, or 100% sure there is one, but I vaguely remember reading something about monocle on AS at some point. It would probably be somewhere in this tag if anything, cause there isn’t a monocle tag unfortunately. (
I was sure I had read about it too – there is a photo series on another favourite site of mine about the lesbian nightclub called Le Monocle ? :
I feel like it was in Carmen’s column Rebel Girls at some point?
This is awesome! I just finished the first episode and I already love it, thank you for the recommendation!
Yay wow this is amazing and now I have to watch this show!
And if I ever write for tv I’ll make sure to make references to autostraddle too ;)
I wonder if this means Norman Lear also knows Auto straddle (since he’s helming this show as well.) That would be pretty epic.
Darn autocorrect. *Autostraddle
wait i JUST realized it’s vanessa from six feet under who went on autostraddle and my heart grew three sizes.
This is delightful, congratulations! I propose that the writers all get monocles to celebrate.
Dude. I LITERALLY just posted this Onion article on Facebook about how I do NOT need people to recommend any more shows to me because I am officially AT CAPACITY.
But for this I will make an exception.
Yay! I was concerned that it might not be on Netflix Australia, but it is, so I’ll definitely be watching today
Good to know – I was meaning to check the same thing :)
Was this reboot always planned for Netflix? I thought it was going to be on TVLand.
So sorry to ask here, but can you on auto. ask for topic wishes? :)
Curled up in bed with a cup of tea, some Trader Joe’s snacks and One Day at a Time…can’t think of a better way to spend Snopocalypse 2017.
I’m looking forward to getting to this episode and hearing Autostraddle’s shout out.
I have not even gotten to the actual queer storyline yet (although Elena is obvs so, so queer) and this is Fantastic.
Okay, I just watched the first two episodes – I’m in love.
When Elena tries to explain to her grandmother what it feels like when she wears make up, oh my god, I don’t think I’ve ever heard that articulated on TV before. That was incredible. And the show managed to fit a less on mansplaining into the same episode. How!? This show is just so good.
I can’t wait to spend my whole Saturday afternoon watching this with a large cup of tea and a small dog.
Congratulations, Team Autostraddle!
Yeh!!! International Fame at Last.
Well Done Writers and Autostraddle!!!
I had a huge secret crush on Valerie Bertinelli in the original show – this reboot sounds great.
(It was a secret crush because I had NO idea it was a crush – but it’s so obvious looking back. I just smiled and nodded when my friends talked about whatever boy heartthrobs they were watching in the late 70s and 80s and wondered why no one else liked Sabrina on Charlie’s Angels as much as I did.)
It would seem we had similar cultural childhoods. I would add Buddy from Family and Jo from Facts of Life to this list of my 70s and 80s crushes.
Jo! She was definitely my favorite on Facts of Life. I’m not sure I ever watched Family.
I was also quite fond of Laurie Partridge and (this is embarrassing and adult me does not approve of this show at all) Daisy Duke.
Congratulations Autostraddle! I hope this shout-out brings you lots of new readers and A+ members.
However… I’m going the one voice of dissent and say that this may be an instance where GLAAD’s “quality over quantity” should apply. I couldn’t even make it through the first 10 minutes. The laugh track, the over-acting and the walking stereotype of the abuela (was she channeling Anita from West Side Story?) made this unwatchable. I think I’ll skip ahead and watch the coming out episode just because I love Autostraddle so much. We should demand more from our LGBT representation on TV.
The first 10 minutes of the first episode of any sitcom tends to be rough, but by the end of the episode I was sad there are only 12 more.
Update: pretty sure it was a studio audience not a laugh track
Yeah I mean it is a typical multi camera studio sitcom with a laugh track whichs a format rarely used these days in the kinds of sitcoms that tend to appeal to our demographic (e.g., the office, attested development, broad city, etc). I remember when you could only find single camera half hour comedies on HBO, nobody else was doing it!
Part of what surprised me about the show was that I liked it despite that. I’ve laughed I’ve cried! As far as this particular format of show goes, this is as good as it gets
Agreed. And it’s made me cry, too. More than once. And I am often accused of not having (or expressing) feelings. So.
Also! What’s revolutionary about the fact that it’s multi-cam with a laugh track is that those shows are aimed at middle America, “regular America,” the heartland. Single cam comedies are NYC and California. They’re slick and fast with smash cuts and liberal elite values and posturing. So to see this comedy centering on a Latinx family with a lesbian daughter and unabashed feminist overtones made in that old family style is remarkable! It’s meant to feel like the stuff your parents and grandparents watch on TV Land and feel comfortable with!
That’s a great point.
Could it be that you think Rita Moreno (Lydia) is channeling Anita from West Side Story because one of the roles she is best known for is Anita in the film adaptation of West Side Story?
No I honestly didn’t know that! That makes me laugh. No wonder she seemed so similar, I just re-watched West Side Story over the Christmas break. Thanks for the heads up!
Honestly i felt the same the first ten seconds too. I tend to switch off shows with laugh tracks pretty quickly, but i watched the first episode, and then a second one … and now I’ve finished the whole season and I laugh and I cried and it’s actually one of best sitcoms I’ve seen in a while.
Yes, it just takes a minute to sort of get used to the format since we’re not used to it anymore (not to mention the first episode is the weakest of the entire season by a country mile). Then it gets so damn good!
Yes, the first episode was *bad*. The second was much better — I don’t know how to explain it, exactly, but they toned ALL of the badness down. Pilots are often iffy, so you might want to at least check out the second and see how it sits with you.
— Yes, I am male. But please, don’t hold it against me; I promise, it wasn’t my fault. —
I just streamed the series. It was okay, though very much a throwback in terms of style (though honestly after almost a decade of single-camera sitcoms this Norman Lear throwback feels almost nostalgic? The laugh track could be much reduced though.)
I enjoyed the main cast for the most part and while Rita Moreno’s character is a bit over the top, she reminds me too much of my mom to say it’s exaggerated much. Again, I’d say that the Norman Lear touch is very strong which is both a strength and a weakness in terms of trying to touch on social issues and being somewhat of a relic in terms of technique and writing.
It’s no Que Pasa USA, but it’s good to see a new Cuban-American sitcom.
So much congrats to autostraddle! You most definitely deserve all the compliments :) And for Gina Rodriguez to support this is just icing on the cake!
Btw, if anyone is interested in a female-written & led, lesbian web series with incredible asian representation & an OTP to DIE for, please check out “Retail Rejects”
This is an absolutely HILARIOUS series about working in retail and hot asian girls are so welcomed on our screens cus the representation is just so rare. Also, they’re pretty :). Best line: “If you accidentally steal my sale, then I’ll accidentally steal your boyfriend”
Thank you, Heather! I haven’t read the article yet, because I hate spoilers (even for sitcoms apparently), but I loved the first episode. I feel like the main character is me if I was straight and Cuban-American. An exhausted single mom who enjoys making fun of hipsters? Wait. Nevermind. Because I also now have a crush on Justina Machado, and that makes things confusing.
Let’s just say I’m now a fan of the show and I thank you for bringing it to my attention.
Hey, y’all are famous! Well, more so, that is. =)
I heard about this show and then decided to watch it after reading this review a while ago. I surprisingly liked it and laughed more than a few times. My only qualm comes in the form of the labelling of Elena as a lesbian. Granted I’m only at the 9th episode so I haven’t actually gotten to the episode mentioned here but from what I’ve seen, Elena seems bisexual or pansexual.
Maybe watch the whole thing before assuming anything?
Was already going to watch this because Rita Moreno is in it. ^-^
She’s my Wise Woman in my Triple Goddess of Pop Culture.
5 episodes in and I’m already so fucking in love with this show.
I waited until I’d watched the whole series to comment!
I loved it, and I certainly hope this show gets more of a following. Absolutely *not* prestige television, for sure, but definitely what a ”family show from the 70s, 98s & 90s’ (Family Ties, Full House, even Simpsons?) should look like in 2017. Lisa goes vegetarian in the 90s, Elena comes out in 2017.
Very progressive, also love that the mom is a veteran and joins a woman veteran’s support group.
I also missed the Autostraddle shout-out scene first time round, making a cup of tea in the kitchen. So totally went back and replayed it and wooped and cheered and clapped on your behalf. (CONGRATU-FREAKING-LATIONS!)
Definitely wish I had a show like this on tv when I was growing up. And certainly hope that it finds families across America and the world sitting down and watching it together (maybe instead of Fuller House? :-P )
It was definitely a great reboot…and, of course, Rita Moreno crushed it!
This is BS! They don’t stream it on Netflix Mexico! I so want to see this uuurggghhh
Yes, They do! I binge-watched it with my gf yesterday. They translated it to “Día a día”.
Watched this show only because you told me to and nO REGRETS <3
I laughed, I cried, I loved it. I hope we get a second season.
Okay, commenting once again now that I’ve finished the whole season. OH MY GOD I LOVE THIS SHOW.
It is everything I need from a TV show right now – it’s smart and funny and feminist and queer and socially conscious and uplifting and just generally made me FEEL REALLY GOOD without also keeping me in touch with all the not-so-good stuff in the world. I laughed out loud multiple times per episode, but there was also at least one scene in every episode that nearly brought me to tears.
I am now recommending this show to everyone I know.
****WHILE also keeping me in touch with all the not-so-good stuff in the world.
For those of us of a certain age, nice Electric Company throwback.